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Sonata – Ultrasonic water meter

Arad Group

Designed to last

The Sonata is an innovative ultrasonic IoT water meter. Unlike traditional water meters, it measures the residential water volume using ultrasonic transducers, with no moving parts and with no need to have rotors in the water pipe itself.


It communicates directly with the municipality to send the data using an application, saving manual work and visits to the houses to measure the water. It is highly functional and durable and can work in a wet environment for more than 15 years with no need to be replaced or maintained. Taga had to give this revolutionary water meter a design that

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Research Industrial design User experience design User interface design Mechanical engineering Design for production Prototyping


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Dreams Taking Shape

The Dream

To change the water meter category by introducing an IoT ultrasonic water meter that saves operational costs, has an iconic design and can last for 15 years in harsh conditions with no maintenance.

The Outcome

The product, designed and engineered by Taga, has changed the way municipalities measure residential water. It is highly successful worldwide and won 3 prestigious design awards.

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