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Smart shelving system


No lines no cashiers, no nerves!

ShelfX is a smart shelf, with electronic sensors and ID technology for user identification. It consists of units that can be attached to existing shelves and a communication system for each shelf that communicates with the ID card scanned by the smart shelf.


When the customer takes a product from the shelf – the sensor senses what was taken, the scanner scans the user ID card, and the product charges the customer automatically.


Beyond the obvious benefits that smart shelves have for the consumer, which save a lot of time in every visit to the supermarket, ShelfX is especially effective for the supermarket itself.


The supermarket management can know quantities and inventory at any given moment, save significant manpower and resources and know exactly what happens in the store.


Taga designed, developed, and produced the

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Research Industrial design User experience design Mechanical engineering Design for production Prototyping Serial production
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Dreams Taking Shape

The Dream

Creating a new concept of a shopping experience in a supermarket and managing a store using smart shelves.

The Outcome

Design, mechanical engineering, and serial production of a unique smart shelf that makes life easier for both consumers and retail stores.

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